“Help with things engineering, scientific, or just plain practical”
Common sense and rational thought are the most important product
Welcome to the Expert Technical Services (ETS) consulting
page. ETS is the "one man show" consulting activity of Gary W.
Johnson (“GW”), a registered professional engineer, among many other things.
GW does engineering consulting now and then, but most of his ETS consulting
activities go far outside that field.
For the text of the ETS "company resume" click here:
Expert Technical Services' Resume
Some of the ETS past project history illustrates that point about variety:
- Design of a 12-foot artificial Christmas tree made of iron
(the “Iron Xmas Tree”) that folds up into a small space, but is sturdy enough
for reliable outdoor use in bad weather. The City of McGregor
has on occasion used this tree for its display.
- "Antarctic Air Operations" – a study that determined how to operate modern turbine aircraft, with
hydraulic flight controls, in Antarctic winter (-100 F) conditions. No in-tank heaters were
considered, only fluid changes, and these selected for maximum compatibility and effectiveness, as well
as availability. In-tank heaters and non-hydraulic flight controls are the only options
available right now.
- "Shuttle Crew Escape" – a twice-submitted idea that could have saved the lives of both lost crews.
If we ever fly another space plane, this kind of thinking needs to go into the design at the beginning.
- "Drip Waterer" – a self-starting siphon-based system, made of hardware-store components. Easy to
build. Effective.
- "Load Ramps" – standard hardware store ramp ends combined with a combination of standard lumber and angle
iron, capable of supporting 800 lb per ramp quite safely.
- "Solar Greenhouse" – designed and built as a prototype. Simple steel-building pole barn,
utilizing clear skylight panels as the South and West walls. It works.
- An ongoing activity is “driveway / shade tree” conversion of gasoline vehicles to use E-85 ethanol fuel.
So far, a farm tractor and an old-time VW beetle have run over a year successfully. They run "better"
on ethanol in measurable ways, too.
- Foundation and superstructure structural inspection for Free Flight Systems, of Waco.
For more about aero consulting, click
here: Aero Consulting
For more about automotive care information, click
here: Automotive Info
For more about the ethanol vehicles project, click here:
For more about cactus eradication, click here:
Cactus Control
For more about educational items offered, click here:
Educational Services
To return directly to GW's Page, click here: GW's Page